Tour Routes

Tekintetes sétája alaptúra

  • Walk
  • Bicycle


A túra során, Kehidakustányt körül ölelő zalai dombság, szemet gyönyörködtető természeti adottságaihoz kalauzoljuk el az igazi kalandra vágyókat. A túrázok önállóan térkép segítségével ismerhetik meg a helyi épített és környezeti szépségeinket, gyalogosan, akár kerékpárral. A néhai Deák Ferenc tekintetes úr által járt és kedvelt útvonalat ismerhetik meg az érdeklődők. A nem megerőltető kaland során több kiépített pihenőpont várja az idelátogatókat. A túra végén, a visszatérő vendégeinknek pedig, apró ajándékkal kedveskedünk.


  • Kehidakustány, Dr. Kovács Lajos sétány 1.

    Information building

    Under construction

  • Kehidakustány, kúria utca 4.

    Deák Ferenc Mansion and Museum

    Ferenc Deák lived in Kehida from 1808, when he was five years old. The mansion in Kehida was built by Gábor Hertelendy in the 1740s. The L-shaped, one-story building served its owners without major renovations for nearly two hundred years. The mansion gained its final form that can be seen today during the expansion performed in the 1920s. Ferenc Deák considered the mansion of Kehida his home for 46 years – from 1808 to 1854. Almost all the prominent personalities of the reform-era Hungary visited Kehida during these years. These days the Deák Ferenc Mansion, the former residence of the “The Wise Man of the Nation” is a museum and event house.

  • Kehidakustány, Deák Ferenc utca 8.

    Roman Catholic Church of the Annunciation

    The reconstructions of the 15th century Gothic church were started in 1747 by Gábor Hertelendy. The church, built of solid materials, had a painted wooden organ-loft, a painted wooden pulpit, and a baptismal font made of stone. The church was consecrated on April 5, 1755. Originally, it was built in honour of the Annunciation, and it has retained his title to this day. Its furnishing was made in the Baroque-era; the triumphal arch-like high altar, richly decorated with sculptures, represents the Angelic salutation. Its tower was completed in 1807. There are three bells in the tower; the largest one weighs nearly 400 kg.

  • Kehidakustány, Deák kút

    Deák Well

    Hilly paths lead to the Deák Well surrounded by old sessile oaks, hornbeams and beech-trees, which is less than 2 km from the mansion. Legend has it that the Wise Man of the Nation rested at this spring, often sitting under the trees surrounding the Deák Well, moreover, it is also rumoured that during his stay in Kehida, he only brought water from here. Radiesthetic measurements have shown that beneficial Earth radiation prevails here – the St. George line runs deep under the ground. How to get there: start from Kehidakustány and take the “Kúria út”. There are signs on the path indicating the place of the Deák Well

  • Kehidakustány, Dr. Kovács Lajos sétány 1.

    Information building

    Under construction